Grace Integrity Aspiration
Our core values are given their Christian distinctiveness by being grounded in the Christian story – in the life and teachings of Jesus. They are at the centre of our school Christian ethos; curriculum and wider provision; policies and planning; day-to-day interactions and decisions.

Grace is a gift of God, the working of the Spirit of grace in a person’s life. It is the way of life that can be found in a gracious, grateful and generous community.
Grace at St Katharine’s means:
being a place of gratitude, saying thanks even in difficult times and appreciating our unique surroundings
being inclusive and open to others; giving worth to others, demonstrating tolerance and forgiveness
showing gratitude for the efforts put in by others
being good receivers – grateful and gracious in accepting what others offer
recognising that we are interdependent and rely on each other
showing humility by listening to others and being open to different views
being generous in our love, treatment and giving to others
Integrity, the truth of a person, is seen in the correlation between what Jesus said and what he did.
Integrity at St Katharine’s means:
valuing and respecting the whole person
encouraging being true to oneself and acknowledging that education is about the search for truth about oneself, the world and beyond
exploring moral and other issues through our curriculum
encouraging truthfulness in pupils, staff, governors and parents
being open and honest but upholding confidentiality
making informed choices
seeking justice being mindful of forgiveness and humility
Aspiration is hope in God’s transforming power. It is a hope grounded in the promise of God and in his action through and in Jesus Christ.
Aspiration at St Katharine’s means:
valuing and nurturing the gifts and attributes of all who play their part in our school
having high aspirations for everyone who plays a part in our school and for our school as a whole
striving for high standards and having high expectations in all we do
helping children to understand about their role in society and the challenges it brings
knowing that learning and developing can be difficult and challenging and that failure is part of learning; if there are no mistakes, there will be no growing
being prepared to take risks
celebrating learning, good behaviour and contributions to school life