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To develop children with happy 'head, heart, and hands' to be emotionally ready and resilient for our ever changing world. We want children to be informed about society in all differing forms so that they can make the right choices in life to maximise their goals and wellbeing. We want the children to be successful and happy so that they will grow into adults who are able to make a meaningful contribution to society.

A child at St Katharine's will be:

  • Resilient

  • Confident

  • Well-balanced

  • Emotionally intelligent

  • Calm

  • Respectful

  • Understand difference

Our PSHE Curriculum

At St Katharine’s, PSHE is a highly established subject. It is essential to all our teaching and the vocabulary is woven into all areas of the curriculum. We believe the wellbeing of our pupils is integral to all that we teach and it is essential that our children are taught about, open to and able to have the knowledge to survive in our world of today. Our PSHE curriculum has been developed and adapted over the years to make sure we deliver the best to our children. It has taken time to develop our progression pathway and it is taught through:

Coram's SCARF scheme

Trick Box

Life Education Van

Our programme equips children with the knowledge they need in Relationships Education,, Drugs and Alcohol Education, Sex Education, Online Safety, Health Education and the wider world.


Our curriculum is developed to ensure that all subjects work in harmony. PSHE is linked specifically into the following subjects and it is clear on these progression pathways where the cross-curricular links are.


Food technology




Whole School PSHE and Wellbeing Activities


See the following links for further information about aspects that help make up our whole school approach to PSHE and Wellbeing:


Head, Heart, Hands


Trick Box


Five Ways to Wellbeing




Headteacher: Mrs Nikki St John
St Katharine's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School
Rolls Drive

School Office    01202 426663


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