What support is available in school?
Our Safeguarding and Inclusion Team staff are available Mon-Fri 8:35am - 3:30pm during term time. Please contact Mrs Burton if you would like to speak to someone.
We also run parent workshops and sessions with the BCP School Navigator - these are scheduled across the year.
What support is available in the community?
Christchurch Family Hub: 01202 093500 -
BCP Family Information Directory:
Boscombe Family Support Hub: 01202 096699 -
What if I am concerned about my child’s mental health?
What if I am worried about bullying?
What if I am worried a child is being abused?​
What if I am worried about divorce?
What if I am worried about bereavement?
What help is there for domestic abuse?
What is Private Fostering?
What is ‘honour based’ violence?
What is the ‘prevent’ strategy?
Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on schools to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
You can report any concerns to the school’s DSL. You can also report a concern directly to the Police. Dorset Police
What is ‘County Lines’?