Our Science Vision:
We want all children to be curious, analytical members of society who enjoy challenging their understanding of everyday life, now and in the future.
A learner in science will:
Want to understand the world around with a view to contribute to future scientific progress.
Use previously learnt knowledge and concepts to predict and transfer skills to new scientific investigations.
Understand and utilise appropriate vocabulary and technical terminology to support subject knowledge.
Have been exposed to 5 lines of enquiry: observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying; classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing and researching using secondary sources.
Have developed mathematical knowledge through collecting, presenting and analysing data.
Acquire working scientifically skills through practical enquiry.
Have a secure understanding of biology, chemistry and physics knowledge and concepts.

Early Years Foundation Stage Provision
In our EYFS setting, there is a wraparound continuous provision across all projects and subjects. Therefore, science features heavily within the children’s independent play and spontaneous learning opportunities identified by teachers. Activities are also carefully planned as enhanced provision for each Early Years project.

The Working Scientifically programme of study requires children to:
Ask and answer questions using the 5 different types of scientific enquiry;
Plan (UKS2), set up (LKS2) and carry out scientific enquiries;
Collect (observe / measure) data;
Analyse and present data in tables, graphs, drawings, labelled diagrams and classification keys;
Communicate conclusions orally and in writing;
Read, spell and pronounce scientific vocabulary.
The 5 lines of scientific enquiry are:
a. Observing Changes Over Time
b. Grouping, Identifying and Classifying
c. Comparative and Fair Testing
d. Noticing Patterns
e. Researching Using Secondary Sources

Events and Extra Curricular Activities:
British Science Week
British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. At St.Katharine’s we celebrated by taking part in a whole school science experiment. We explored the question ‘Do we grow bigger as we get older?’ This was a fantastic opportunity for staff and pupils to see the progression of science skills from EYFS to Year 6. We also set a KS1 and a KS2 home learning activity focused on exploring this question further and inspirational scientists past and present. KS1 presented some fantastic findings of how their sibling’s body parts differed in size to theirs. KS2 presented some fantastic fact files about scientists some of us had never heard of before!

KS2 Science Fair
Each year we aim to run a science fair for all of KS2 to take part in. The children can present as individuals or in a group to explore their individual interests in science. These projects are prepared at home over a few weeks and then displayed as part of a fair in school. All the children thoroughly enjoy walking round and discussing the displays.
Between the teachers, we chose a handful of projects to take part in the Inter-Schools Science Fair. This was arranged as part of the Ogden Trust membership and will hopefully be a yearly event.