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Maths vision:


We want all children to have the skills and confidence to solve and reason about real-life mathematical problems flexibly and efficiently.

A learner in maths will:


-Adapt their strategy to suit the problem or scenario.

-Use different representations to solve the problem, show their working and prove their thinking.

-Make connections between different areas of mathematics.

-Work both collaboratively and independently.

-Have secure understanding in number and place value.

-Understand, use and apply a range of mathematical vocabulary.

-Explain how they solved different problems and why they used the method they did.

-Recall facts with fluency and understanding.

-Use increasingly formal methods where appropriate.

Teaching for Mastery (TfM)


As a school we use the Teaching for Mastery approach. Our maths subject leader is the

TfM specialist for Jurassic Maths Hub and Assistant Maths Hub Lead for BCP.


The principle behind this is:

To give all children access the equitable classrooms; classrooms where they can all participate and be influential, and classrooms where they are encouraged and supported to develop a deep connected and sustained understanding of the mathematics being explored.


TfM is underpinned by the ‘5 Big Ideas’: Coherence, Representation and Structure, Mathematical Thinking, Fluency, Variation.



























Maths planning


At St Katharine's, we follow the White Rose maths planning linked with the NCTEM spine points and materials. WhiteRose planning is split into ‘Schemes of Learning’ for each topic, which breaks down the National Curriculum into ‘small steps’, with notes/guidance, key questions and examples of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.


The three main areas of maths are:

  • Fluency – 3 areas: efficiency (using what you know), accuracy (use of facts, checking) and flexibility (knowledge of more than one approach).

  • Reasoning – a route through a problem, solving conflicts on the way- use ‘Because..(Having to explain), ‘Convince me!’, ‘Does that mean…?’, value the process more than the product.

  • Problem Solving –find all possibilities, visualising problems, logic, rules & patterns, word problems



Early Years, Year 1 and 2 are taking part in the ‘Mastering Number Programme’.


Additional maths sessions are taught daily and aim to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.


All our children have access to Numbots and Timetables Rockstars. EY, yr 1 and 2 primarily use Numbots and year 2-6 Timetables Rockstars. We encourage our families to use these regularly at home to support number fluency.

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