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We want all children to have a deep understanding of the three elements of dance (to create, to perform and to appreciate) through an immersion in an enriching dance experience; in doing so, a firm foundation for a life-long positive relationship with the arts, specifically dance, will have been established.

A dancer at St Katharine’s will:


  • communicate creatively through improvisation and choreography



  • perform with increased confidence and a range of physical skills



  • appreciate their peers’ and professional dance works



  • challenge themselves physically and creatively



  • be reflective and curious in order to refine and develop their skill



  • be brave and resilient

Dance Ambassadors


Dance ambassadors from the year 6 cohort will be selected each year with the role of sharing the culture of dance within the school community. Their role may include:

  • Participating in workshops and training sessions for staff and trainee teachers.

  • Assisting staff in the delivery of dance lessons throughout the school.

  • Conducting pupil voice questionnaires.

  • Sharing good practise amongst their peers.

  • Assisting with the choreography of whole school dances.

  • Leading rehearsals for Years EY to 5 with the whole school dances.

Additional Dance Opportunities and Extra Curricular Dance


  • Dance Club – available to children in year 4, 5 and 6 for an hour of school each week. The club focuses on developing the 3 strands of dance but with particular emphasis on performance and technical ability. 

  • Great Big Dance Off – an annual dance competition to provide children with the opportunity to perform in a professional venue alongside other dancers.

  • Christmas nativities – short dances linked to communicating the theme of the scene within the nativity.

  • Christmas and Easter performances in church – an opportunity for children to perform to an audience in an unusual setting.

  • Whole school dance performances including pre-recorded and edited dances (for example ‘Love Grows’)

  • Whole school live performances linked to other whole school events including: National School Sports Week.

  • Year 5 and 6 end of year musical or performing arts evening – an opportunity for children to showcase their ability as they come to the end of their time at primary school.

  • End of year 6 dance within the end of year service – an emotive dance, which links to the theme of the service and provides a wonderful ending to their dance education at St Katharine’s. 

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