We want everyone who is part of St Katharine’s to know that they are unique and that they can flourish and make a difference in God’s world, through living out the values of Grace, Integrity and Aspiration, now and in the future.

Our vision is grounded in the Christian faith and reaches out to all our community. Our values of Grace, Integrity and Aspiration are well-embedded, as are our ‘Powerful Learning Attributes’. Central to our ethos is the importance of wellbeing and that the whole person is made up of ‘Head (mental health and learning), Heart (spirituality and relationships), Hands (physical health)’.
Our SEASIDE curriculum recognises that we aim for high standards in learning across the whole curriculum and ensure that our curriculum and the wider opportunities for learning and personal development are purposeful, challenging and enjoyable. We are proud of our provision for PE, sport and the arts.
We are a dynamic community of staff, children, parents, governors and volunteers who love being part of St Katharine’s.
We hope that you will find the information that you are looking for on our website – do contact us if you have any further queries.
Mrs Nikki St John